Cinnamon Roll Crock Pot Casserole

Cinnamon Roll Crock Pot Casserole: A Comfort Food Delight

Comfort food brings a sense of warmth and nostalgia, and cinnamon roll crock pot casserole stands out as a quintessential example. This dish combines the irresistible flavors of cinnamon rolls with the ease and convenience of a crock pot, making it a perfect choice for breakfasts, brunches, or even a sweet treat during the holidays.

The Joy of Cooking with a Crock Pot

The Joy of Cooking with a Crock Pot

Cooking with a crock pot not only saves time but also enhances the flavors of your dishes. The slow cooking process allows for a deep infusion of spices, making the cinnamon roll casserole even more delicious. For an in-depth look into the benefits of cinnamon, consider visiting Cinnamon Spice and Everything Nice.

Ingredients and Their Perfect Substitutes

  • Cinnamon Rolls: The primary ingredient that brings sweetness and spice. For those looking for a healthier alternative, whole wheat cinnamon rolls are a great substitute. They offer a similar flavor profile with the added benefits of whole grains.
  • Eggs and Milk: These are crucial for creating the custard that envelopes the cinnamon rolls, giving the casserole its creamy, rich texture. For a dairy-free version, almond milk or any other plant-based milk can be used as a substitute. Similarly, for eggs, a flaxseed or chia seed mixture can serve as a vegan binder.
  • Butter: It adds a depth of flavor and richness to the casserole. Coconut oil is an excellent vegan alternative that also introduces a slight coconut flavor, complementing the cinnamon nicely.
  • Vanilla Extract and Cinnamon: These ingredients add warmth and spice, enhancing the overall taste of the casserole. There’s no direct substitute for vanilla extract, but vanilla bean paste can be a more flavorful option. As for cinnamon, the spice is irreplaceable for this recipe, but adding a dash of nutmeg can introduce an additional layer of flavor.

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

  1. Preparation: Begin by greasing your crock pot to prevent sticking. Cut the cinnamon rolls into quarters to ensure they cook evenly and absorb the custard mixture thoroughly.
  2. Mix the Custard: In a mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk, vanilla extract, and cinnamon until well combined. This mixture will soak into the cinnamon rolls, giving them a delicious, creamy texture.
  3. Assemble the Casserole: Place the quartered cinnamon rolls evenly in the bottom of the crock pot. Once arranged, pour the custard mixture over the cinnamon rolls, making sure each piece is coated.
  4. Cook: Cover the crock pot and set it to low. Cook the casserole for 2-4 hours, checking after 2 hours to gauge doneness. The casserole is ready when the edges are golden brown, and the center is set but still slightly moist.

Serving Suggestions

Serving Suggestions

Serving this Cinnamon Roll Crock Pot Casserole is a joy, as the aroma fills the kitchen, promising a delicious and comforting meal. It’s perfect on its own but can be enhanced with a drizzle of icing, a sprinkle of powdered sugar, or a side of fresh fruit for added freshness.

For those looking to explore more crock pot recipes and gather useful tips for slow cooking, visiting Slow Cooking Perfection can offer a treasure trove of ideas and inspirations for your next meal.

This casserole combines the ease of slow cooking with the indulgent flavors of cinnamon rolls, making it a perfect dish for breakfast, brunch, or even dessert. Enjoy the simplicity and deliciousness of this recipe, a testament to the magic of slow cooking.

Nutritional Information

Nutritional Information

Enjoying a serving of this delightful casserole can add approximately 350 calories to your daily intake, providing a satisfying and hearty option for breakfast or brunch. It’s important to consider this dish within the context of your overall dietary needs and preferences. While it offers the warmth and comfort of cinnamon rolls combined with the ease of a crock pot meal, moderation is key, especially if you’re mindful of your calorie consumption.

Common Issues and How to Solve Them

While this recipe is designed for simplicity and convenience, there are a couple of common issues that might occur. Here’s how to effectively address them:

  • Undercooking: If you find that the casserole isn’t fully cooked after the initial recommended time, don’t worry. Simply extend the cooking time in 30-minute increments, checking the consistency after each extension. This issue might arise due to variations in crock pot models or if the casserole was started from a colder state (for example, if the ingredients were refrigerated beforehand). Patience is key; it will reach the perfect consistency with a little extra time.
  • Dryness: One of the charms of this casserole is its moist, creamy texture. However, if it turns out drier than expected, a simple fix is to drizzle a little milk over the top before serving. This will reintroduce moisture into the dish, reviving that delightful custard-like quality that makes it so enjoyable. Alternatively, serving it with a side of warm milk or even a scoop of vanilla ice cream for dessert can counteract any dryness while adding an extra layer of flavor.

Preparing the Cinnamon Roll Crock Pot Casserole is not only about following the recipe but also about adapting to the nuances of slow cooking and personal taste preferences. These tips ensure that each serving is as delicious as intended, making your culinary experience both enjoyable and rewarding.

Variations to Spice Up Your Casserole

Variations to Spice Up Your Casserole

  • Vegan Variation: Making this casserole vegan-friendly is straightforward. Substitute the dairy ingredients, such as milk and butter, with plant-based alternatives like almond milk, soy milk, or coconut oil. For the eggs, use vegan egg replacements available in the market, or make a flaxseed or chia seed mixture. (For each egg, mix 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed or chia seeds with 3 tablespoons of water, let it sit for a few minutes until it thickens). Don’t forget to choose vegan cinnamon rolls, which are increasingly available in stores.
  • Gluten-Free Variation: To enjoy a gluten-free version of this casserole, start with gluten-free cinnamon rolls, which are key to keeping the dish free from gluten. Additionally, ensure that all other ingredients, including vanilla extract and any add-ins like nuts or fruit, are certified gluten-free. This simple swap makes the casserole safe for those with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease.


  • Can I make it the night before?Absolutely! Preparing the Cinnamon Roll Crock Pot Casserole the night before is a fantastic way to save time in the morning. Assemble all the ingredients in the crock pot insert, cover it, and store it in the refrigerator overnight. When you wake up, place the insert into the crock pot base, set it to cook, and by the time you’re ready for breakfast, your casserole will be perfectly done.
  • What’s the best way to reheat leftovers?Leftovers can easily be brought back to their original deliciousness. For the best results, reheat individual servings in the microwave for a minute or two, just until warm. If you’re reheating a larger portion, covering it with foil and warming it in the oven at 350°F (175°C) for about 10-15 minutes is effective. This method helps retain the moisture and ensures the casserole tastes just as good as when it was freshly made.

These variations and tips ensure that the Cinnamon Roll Crock Pot Casserole remains a versatile and delightful dish that can be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of dietary restrictions or preferences. Whether you’re preparing it ahead of time or looking for ways to enjoy leftovers, this casserole remains a comforting and convenient choice for any meal.

By following this detailed guide, you’re well on your way to creating a cinnamon roll crock pot casserole that’s sure to impress. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a cooking novice, this dish brings the perfect blend of ease, flavor, and comfort to your table.

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Cinnamon Roll Crock Pot Casserole

Cinnamon Roll Crock Pot Casserole

  • Author: Lily
  • Total Time: 2 hours 10 minutes - 4 hours 10 minutes
  • Yield: 8 servings 1x


This Cinnamon Roll Crock Pot Casserole is a delightful, easy-to-make breakfast or brunch option that combines the comfort of cinnamon rolls with the convenience of a slow cooker. Perfect for busy mornings or leisurely weekends, it’s sure to become a family favorite.


  • 2 cans refrigerated cinnamon rolls, cut into quarters
  • 4 eggs
  • ½ cup whole milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • ¼ cup granulated sugar
  • Optional: nuts, fruit, or icing for garnish


  1. Place the quartered cinnamon rolls into the greased crock pot.
  2. In a bowl, whisk together eggs, milk, vanilla extract, cinnamon, and sugar.
  3. Pour the egg mixture over the cinnamon rolls, ensuring even coverage.
  4. Cook on low for 2-4 hours, until the edges are golden and the center is set.
  5. Serve warm, garnished with nuts, fruit, or drizzled icing if desired.


  • For a lighter version, substitute whole milk with almond milk.
  • Feel free to add additional spices like nutmeg or clove according to taste.
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 2-4 hours
  • Category: Breakfast/Brunch
  • Method: Slow Cooking
  • Cuisine: American


  • Serving Size: per serving, approximate
  • Calories: 350
  • Sugar: 25g
  • Sodium: 550mg
  • Fat: 16g
  • Saturated Fat: 7g
  • Carbohydrates: 45g
  • Fiber: 1g
  • Protein: 6g
  • Cholesterol: 100mg

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