Sloppy Joe Casserole Recipe with Manwich

Sloppy Joe Casserole with Manwich: A Family Favorite

Introduction to Sloppy Joe Casserole

The Sloppy Joe Casserole combines the comforting flavors of traditional sloppy joes with the hearty structure of a casserole. Originating from the classic sloppy joe sandwich, which has been a staple in American cuisine since the early 20th century, this casserole version brings a delightful twist to the dinner table. By incorporating Manwich sauce, a beloved ingredient for its rich tomato base and seasoning blend, this dish elevates a simple meal into something everyone looks forward to.

Recipe Overview

Recipe Overview

Creating the perfect Sloppy Joe Casserole requires a blend of simple, yet flavorful ingredients. The heart of the dish lies in its use of Manwich sauce, which provides a tangy and slightly sweet foundation that pairs wonderfully with ground beef. When layered with pasta and cheese, and then baked to perfection, the result is a comforting casserole that’s both easy to make and delicious. For those interested in the nutritional content of ground beef, understanding the balance of ingredients can help in creating a dish that is both satisfying and healthy.

Detailed Recipe Instructions

Ingredients List

The Sloppy Joe Casserole with Manwich is a heartwarming dish that transforms a classic into something even more comforting. Here’s what you’ll need, along with potential substitutions to cater to different dietary needs or pantry limitations:

  • Ground Beef (1 lb., 85% lean): For a leaner option, consider ground turkey or chicken. Vegetarians can opt for a meat substitute or lentils.
  • Onions (½ cup, diced): Shallots or green onions can be used for a milder flavor.
  • Manwich Sauce (1 can, 15.5 oz): If unavailable, mix tomato sauce with Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder, onion powder, mustard, and brown sugar to taste.
  • Chicken Broth (2 ½ cups): Vegetable broth is a great substitute for a vegetarian version.
  • Diced Tomatoes (1 can, 14.5 oz, undrained): Fresh tomatoes can be used; just add a little extra liquid to compensate.
  • Farfalle Pasta (¾ lb.): Any short pasta like penne or elbow macaroni will work.
  • Velveeta Cheese (8 oz., cubed): Substitute with any easy-melt cheese like cheddar or a mix of mozzarella and cream cheese for a similar texture.
  • Corn (1 cup, frozen or canned): Fresh corn kernels sliced off the cob during the summer months elevate this dish.
  • Cheddar Cheese (1 ½ cups, shredded): Experiment with different cheeses for topping; pepper jack adds a spicy kick.

Preparation Steps

  1. Preheat the Oven: Start by setting your oven to 375°F to ensure it’s ready for baking the casserole later on.
  2. Brown the Beef: In a large skillet, cook the ground beef over medium-high heat until it’s no longer pink, breaking it apart with a spoon. For the best flavor, aim for a nice, even browning; this adds depth to the casserole. If using a meat substitute, follow the package instructions for browning.
  3. Add the Onions: Once the beef is browned, mix in the diced onions and cook until they’re translucent and soft. This builds the foundational flavors of the casserole.
  4. Incorporate Manwich Sauce and Tomatoes: Stir in the Manwich sauce and the undrained diced tomatoes. The liquid from the tomatoes will help deglaze the pan, picking up any flavorful bits stuck to the bottom.
  5. Simmer with Broth and Pasta: Pour in the chicken broth and add the pasta, stirring well. Bring the mixture to a gentle boil, then reduce the heat and let it simmer until the pasta is just al dente. Stir occasionally to prevent the pasta from sticking.
  6. Melt in the Cheese: Add the cubed Velveeta and corn, stirring until the cheese is completely melted and the mixture is creamy. This is the moment when the casserole really starts to come together.

Preparation Steps

Baking the Casserole

Transfer the mixture into a greased 9×13-inch baking dish, spreading it evenly. Sprinkle the shredded cheddar cheese over the top for a gooey, golden crust. Bake in the preheated oven for 15 minutes or until the cheese is bubbly and slightly browned. Let it sit for a few minutes after baking to settle; this makes serving easier and allows the flavors to meld perfectly.

Serving Suggestions

Serve the Sloppy Joe Casserole hot, right out of the oven, for the best experience. A crisp green salad dressed with a vinaigrette makes an excellent side, balancing the richness of the casserole. For a heartier meal, pair it with garlic bread or cornbread to soak up the delicious sauce. Garnish with fresh parsley or chives for a pop of color and freshness. This casserole is not only a feast for the palate but also for the eyes, making it a perfect centerpiece for a family dinner or a casual gathering.

Cooking Tips and Tricks

Cooking Tips and Tricks

Achieving the perfect consistency in your Sloppy Joe Casserole involves balancing the moisture of the sauce with the absorbency of the pasta. Here are some tips to ensure your casserole is neither too dry nor too soupy:

  • Monitor the Pasta: Cook the pasta within the sauce just until it’s al dente. Remember, it will continue to absorb liquid in the oven, so it’s okay if it’s slightly firmer than you’d usually prefer.
  • Adjust the Liquid: Depending on the type of pasta and its cooking time, you may need to adjust the amount of chicken broth. Start with less; you can always add more if the mixture seems too thick.
  • Cheese Proportions: The type and amount of cheese can also affect the casserole’s moisture. Velveeta melts smoothly, adding creaminess without too much liquid. If you substitute it with other cheeses, consider their moisture content.

To make the dish healthier, consider the following adjustments:

  • Lean Proteins: Use ground turkey or chicken instead of beef for lower fat content.
  • Increase Vegetables: Add more corn, diced bell peppers, or even zucchini to the mix to boost the dish’s fiber and vitamin content.
  • Whole Wheat Pasta: Opt for whole wheat pasta to add whole grains and additional fiber to the casserole.

For a more indulgent version:

  • Creamier Cheese: Incorporate cream cheese or heavy cream into the sauce for a richer, more decadent casserole.
  • Extra Cheese Topping: Don’t hold back on the shredded cheese topping; a blend of cheeses like mozzarella, cheddar, and parmesan can elevate the gooey, cheesy crust.

Variations of Sloppy Joe Casserole

Variations of Sloppy Joe Casserole

Vegetarian Version: Replace the ground beef with lentils or a meat substitute for a hearty vegetarian option. Lentils mimic the texture of ground beef while absorbing the flavors of the Manwich sauce beautifully. Add more vegetables like mushrooms and bell peppers for an extra nutritional boost.

Spicy Version: For those who enjoy a bit of heat, adding diced jalapeños or a sprinkle of chili flakes can transform the dish. Consider incorporating spicy cheese, like pepper jack, both within the casserole and as a topping for an added kick.

Low-Carb Version: Replace the pasta with a mix of chopped vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, and zucchini. These vegetables bake well, offering a satisfying texture while significantly reducing the dish’s carb content. To mimic the heartiness of the original casserole, ensure the vegetables are cut into bite-sized pieces and pre-cooked slightly to soften them before baking.

Each variation maintains the soul-warming essence of the classic Sloppy Joe Casserole while offering a delightful twist to suit different dietary preferences or spice tolerances, making this versatile dish a staple in any recipe collection.


  • Can I make this dish ahead of time? Yes, assemble the casserole, cover, and refrigerate up to 3 days before baking.
  • Can I freeze Sloppy Joe Casserole? Absolutely. Freeze it before or after baking for up to 3 months.
  • What can I serve with Sloppy Joe Casserole? A side of cornbread or a green salad complements the flavors well.
  • How can I make my Sloppy Joe Casserole more flavorful? Experiment with adding different cheeses or a splash of hot sauce for an extra flavor boost.

Nutrition Information

A serving of Sloppy Joe Casserole is rich in protein and iron, thanks to the ground beef. Incorporating vegetables like tomatoes and corn not only adds to the dish’s nutritional profile but also introduces a variety of textures and flavors. For specific dietary concerns, consider food safety tips for ground beef to ensure a healthy and enjoyable meal.


The Sloppy Joe Casserole with Manwich is more than just a meal; it’s a delightful experience that brings comfort and joy to the dinner table. Whether you stick to the classic recipe or explore its variations, this dish is guaranteed to become a family favorite. So why not give it a try tonight and see just how delicious home-cooked comfort food can be?

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Recipe Overview

Sloppy Joe Casserole Recipe with Manwich

  • Author: Lily
  • Total Time: 45 minutes
  • Yield: 6 servings 1x


This Sloppy Joe Casserole with Manwich is a delightful twist on the classic sloppy joe, transforming it into a hearty casserole that’s perfect for weeknight dinners. Packed with flavorful ground beef, gooey cheese, and the tangy taste of Manwich sauce, it’s a comforting dish that’s sure to become a family favorite.


  • 1 lb. ground beef, 85% lean
  • ½ cup diced onions
  • 1 can (15.5 oz) Manwich sauce
  • 2 ½ cups chicken broth
  • 1 can (14.5 oz) diced tomatoes, undrained
  • ¾ lb. farfalle pasta, uncooked
  • 8 oz. Velveeta cheese, cubed
  • 1 cup corn (frozen or canned)
  • 1 ½ cups shredded cheddar cheese


  1. Preheat the oven to 375°F. In a large skillet, brown the ground beef and onions. Drain any excess grease.
  2. Stir in Manwich sauce, chicken broth, and undrained diced tomatoes. Bring to a boil.
  3. Add pasta and simmer until al dente. Stir in corn and Velveeta until the cheese melts.
  4. Transfer to a greased 9×13-inch casserole dish. Top with cheddar cheese.
  5. Bake for 15 minutes, until the cheese is bubbly. Serve hot.


  • For a spicier version, add diced jalapeños to the beef mixture.
  • Make it ahead: Assemble the casserole, cover, and refrigerate up to 3 days before baking.
  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Cook Time: 30 minutes
  • Category: Main Course
  • Method: Baking
  • Cuisine: American


  • Serving Size: per serving
  • Calories: 663
  • Sugar: 11g
  • Sodium: 1599mg
  • Fat: 30g
  • Saturated Fat: 15g
  • Carbohydrates: 61g
  • Fiber: 4g
  • Protein: 38g
  • Cholesterol: 99mg

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